Your LOCAL solar installer established
in 2019 in Carver County Minnesota!
BC773866 A Minnesota licensed, registered and insured​ li​mited liability​ company
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RESOLVE SOLAR provides tailored systems to
achieve your renewable solar energy goals.
Solar array engineering and design (SAED) according to Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) requirements

Rooftop for all building types: home, business, pole barns
Ground mount: farm, rural and remote locations

Specialty and non-traditional systems
Battery storage system options: Enphase, Tesla and PointGuard
Sun-light backup system without batteries from Enphase

Workmanship warranty for new installations and existing systems such as remove and reset/insurance claims or system modifications.
Concrete-free, minimal soil disturbance ground mount installations suitable for wetlands and other projects for a lower environmental impact. See our equipment in action!